Child Development
School of Health Sciences

Child Development

Child Development

Our Child Development Programme aims to educate prospective child development professionals with productive, questioning and critical thinking and 21st-century skills who attach importance to the concept of lifelong learning, social services and scientific ethics.

Within this framework, we offer students education that enables them to: treat children and their parents with love, respect, show them great interest and tolerance and appreciate them; follow the multiple intelligence theory to provide children with an educational atmosphere helping them learn through experience; offering a supportive theoretical and practical educational plan for children in 0-18 age group, as well as those in 0-6 age group both showing normal development and those with special needs, and therefore serve children, families, educationists, and society; prepare materials necessary for children’s habits and needs, acquire the skills and knowledge required to meet children’s needs, and take precautions against potential problems. And last but not least, we provide our students with education enabling them to become “child development professionals”.

The duration of the Child Development Programme is 4 years, and the Programme offers Turkish-medium instruction. English Preparatory Programme is optional.

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