Career Options
 faculty of science and literature

Career Options

What are the career options for the graduates of Sociology (English)?

Graduates of Sociology Sosyoloji (English) pursue their career as sociologists in a wide range of fields in both public and private sectors.

Graduates of the Department of Sociology (English) can pursue a career in:

  • Schools regulated and governed by the Turkish Ministry of National Education and universities as Philosophy Group Teachers once they have received paedogogical education,
  • Universities as academicians once they have done a postgraduate degree,
  • A variety of public bodies/agencies from ministeries, Turkish Statistical Institute (TÜİK), municaplities, Student Loans and Dormitories Institution, and Directorate General for Social Assistance to Social Services and Child Protection Institution, and
  • Various fields in the private sector, such as Research and Development, Human Resources, and Public Relations and Communications. 

Since they receive English-medium education, they become the first choice for employment in both public and private sectors.


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