Faculty of Engineering and Architecture (Candidate)
Faculty of Engineering and Architecture (Candidate)

Computer Engineering (English)

Computer Engineering (English)

The Department of Computer Engineering aims to enterprising prospective computer engineers who have international qualifications and sufficient knowledge about the computer hardware, software and applications, create original solutions, and take an innovative role in research and development of new technologies.

This is a 4-year Programme and the medium of instruction is Turkish. English Preparatory Programme is optional.

This is a 4-year Programme and the medium of instruction is English. English Preparatory Programme is compulsory. If they pass the Placement and Proficiency Test, admitted students can be exempted from the English Preparatory Programme and proceed to the first year of their Department.

There is also a Turkish-medium Department of Computer Engineering. Click here for Computer Engineering (Turkish).

An internship of 40 business days throughout the studies is compulsory. Following the completion of the said internship, students present the knowledge and skills they have acquired during the internship in a capstone project.

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