Academic PublicationsOur University’s Journal of Science and Engineering and Journal of Social Sciences are peer-reviewed e-journals published via the DergiPark Open Journal Systems (OJS) operated by TÜBİTAK-ULAKBİM.Journal of Science and EngineeringIstanbul Beykent University’s Journal of Science and Engineering (BUJSE) is a national, scientific and peer-reviewed journal published by the School of Graduate Studies, Istanbul Beykent University. Having been a “Peer-Reviewed Journal” since 2007, BUJSE is published twice a year, in June and December. The journal, which accepts publications in Turkish and English, covers the fields of science, engineering and architecture.Istanbul Beykent University Journal of Science and Engineering accepts articles in the following fields:• Computer Engineering• Biomedical Engineering• Electrical and Electronics Engineering• Energy Systems Engineering• Civil Engineering• Industrial Engineering• Chemical Engineering• Mechanical Engineering• Software Engineering• Information Technologies• Biology• Physics• Chemistry• Architecture• Industrial Design• Applied MathematicsWithin the scope of BUJSE, authors are charged no fee at any stage of the article evaluation process.Journal of Social SciencesIstanbul Beykent University’s Journal of Social Sciences (BUJSS) is a national, scientific and peer-reviewed journal published by School of Graduate Studies, Istanbul Beykent University. Having been a “Peer-reviewed Journal” since 2008, Beykent University’s Journal of Social Sciences is a biannual journal published in June and December. BUJSS is a peer-reviewed journal covering authentic scientific articles from all fields of social sciences, e.g. economics, banking, business administration, finance, psychology, political science, sociocultural anthropology, sociology, history, international relations and cultural studies, communications, comparative literature, languages, and literature, etc. It is a bilingual journal publishing articles written in Turkish and/or English. Authors are not charged any fees in any step of the manuscript review process.* In accordance with Article 8.1 of the TR Index Journal Evaluation Criteria stating that “an ethics committee approval must be obtained for research conducted in all disciplines requiring an ethics committee approval and this approval must be stated and documented in the relevant article,” an ethics committee approval must be obtained. As of 2022, studies without an ethics committee certificate will be handed back to the authors without being included in the process. Studies with outdated data will also be handed back to the authors. Faculty of Law JournalWhen publishing scientific studies, Istanbul Beykent University Faculty of Law Journal (BUFLJ) takes into account the international standards, which are internationally recognised, open access and determined by COPE (Committee on Publication Ethics). Within this framework, an independent and impartial publication policy is followed to ensure the development of scientific studies in the field of public law and private law. BUFLJ is prepared within the framework of Istanbul University Directive on Scientific Journals, which entered into effect with the Senate Decision No. 2021/14 of 10.06.2021.You can access all issues of the journal at Facebook'ta Paylaş Twitter'da Paylaş LinkedIn'de Paylaş E-posta Gönder Whatsapp'ta Paylaş