Non-Interventional Clinical Research Ethics Committee

Non-Interventional Clinical Research Ethics Committee Members

Prof. Dr. Hatice ÖKTEN

Ethics Committee, Chairperson

Prof. Dr. Servet KESİM

Ethics Committee, Vice Chairperson

Asst. Prof. Mustafa Genco ERDEM

Ethics Committee, Secretary

Prof. Dr. Hatice ÖKTEN

Faculty of Medicine, Department of Basic Medical Sciences, Representative

Asst. Prof. Mustafa Genco ERDEM

Faculty of Medicine, Department of Internal Medical Sciences, Representative


Faculty of Medicine, Department of Surgical Medical Sciences, Representative

Prof. Dr. Servet KESİM

Faculty of Dentistry, Representative

Asst. Prof. Abdurrahman Umut TÜYEL

Faculty of Engineering and Architecture, Department of Biomedical Engineering, Representative

Asst. Prof. Burak KESGİN

Faculty of Arts and Sciences, Department of Psychology/Sociology, Representative

Asst. Prof. Mustafa Süheyl POZANTI

Faculty of Health Sciences, Representative

Asst. Prof. Ahmet Vedat ÇELİK

Vocational School (Healthcare Programmes), Representative

Prof. Dr. Rian DİŞÇİ

Epidemiology/Public Health/Biostatistics Specialist