Academic Open Access System

Academic Open Access System

A corporate open access system was built to collect, organise, deposit for long term, and preserve all academic outputs within our University, and to offer open access to local and international users for these works.

It covers all academic studies that are directly or indirectly supported by Istanbul Beykent University and carried out by its members. The works of the members of Istanbul Beykent University, which are conducted outside the university, can be stored in this archive if desired. 

Studies labelled as publishable on open-access platforms are added to the system. Our open access system is registered in the Open Aire, OpenDoar, Roar, Roar, RoarMap, DSpace, and Harman open access directories.

Our academic staff can send their studies published online or in print to the address in pdf format in order to publish their publications in our Academic Open Access System. 

Academic Open Access System.