
Services for Our Students with Disabilities

Disability Advisory Service (DSA) offers the services below:

  • Installation of a tactile paving system which improves access within the campus.
  • The software ‘‘JAWS’’ and ‘‘PEARL’’ with vocalisation features for texts in the ‘‘Word’’ format.
  • The software READER for our students to listen to the course books and other books, and documents they need.
  • An attendant to take notes during the class.
  • Contacting the relevant faculty members to identify and solve the students’ needs and problems.
  • If requested by the students before the exams, conducting the exams in a separate classroom under the supervision of an assistant.
  • Working for students to be more involved in university life and have equality.
  • Consultancy for career planning.
  • Assigning student volunteers to encourage students with disabilities to socialise. 

Disability Advisory Service (DSA) offers the services below:

  • An accessible environment considering the needs of our students with physical disabilities.
  • Ramps set up at necessary points (building entrances, beginning and ends of the pavements, etc.) for wheelchair use.
  • Modifying the elevators on the campus for wheelchair use.
  • Support services for arrangements for the students’ needs.
  • Trainings and workshops for equality of opportunity in university life.
  • Consultancy for career planning.
  • Assigning student volunteers to encourage students with disabilities to socialise.

Disability Advisory Service (DSA) offers the services below:

  • Permission from the faculty members for voice recording during classes.
  • Consultancy for career planning.