EndNote Referans Management System

EndNote Referans Management System

EndNote (Online) is a personal database and a bibliographic software through which you can create your personal database, store, organise, scan, and share your bibliographic information (such as articles, books, journals, catalogues, visual data, etc.), and helps you organise your references and shapes through over 6000 bibliographic (journal) formats (APA, Harvard, MLA, Turabian, etc.) while you are writing articles. 

The system offers you the most convenient ways to search and scan online bibliographic databases, and reorganise your references. Besides, it offers you various options for importing data files from EndNote online/offline services, and database libraries. 

The system is an expert at storing, managing, and searching bibliographic references in your personal libraries. You can edit the contents of graphics, tables, shapes, and formulas individually with captions and keywords. 

You can create reference, shape, and table index in Microsoft Word with its Cite While You Write (CWYW) feature. When you add a reference, shape, or a table to your article, the lists are automatically compiled, and it enables you to edit your article in the journal format among over 6000 formats. It will also help you in the Microsoft Word journal templates, and the article formats required by the publishers. 

With its options for references, resources, and library sharing in desktop, online, and Ipad versions, EndNote offers the simplest solutions to your joint and multidisciplinary studies, and enables you to create platforms. The desktop version of EndNote enables you to access EndNote Online, which offers unlimited file storage area, unlimited reference storage are, and group sharing. EndNote Ipad®, in perfect harmony with EndNote Desktop and EndNote Online, is also available on the Apple Store. Switching from Desktop version to Online and Ipad versions, and vice versa are simple. You can synchronise your EndNote library with Desktop, Online, and Ipad versions to reach your research whenever you wish. 

EndNote Online Match feature will enable you to easily choose a suitable journal, and speed up the publishing process. 

Additional Features of EndNote

The features will enable you to:

  1. Make personal or joint references, and create a library of references. 
  2. Search articles on online databases through EndNote such as PubMed, Web of Science (WoS), Legal Collection, Library of Congress, and other accessible libraries. 
  3. Benefit from over 6000 connection files for online databases offered in EndNote, and create a new connection file to search through the library catalogue of the University. 
  4. Download the ‘‘full-text article’’ automatically form online academic databases which you have free access, and subscribed. 
  5. Have options for importing reference records: Direct export (Google Scholar, Google Books, etc.), import filters, and PDF import. 
  6. Keep reference records manually. 
  7. Import full-text PDF automatically, and make the reference sections of articles. 
  8. Determine an automatic file for full-text PDFs, import PDFs multiply, and make the reference sections of articles. 
  9. Organise and manage your personal EndNote library: Choosing, ranking, searching, moving, updating, etc. 
  10. Group options: creating and organising the reference groups with group set, personal groups, and smart groups. 
  11. Create and organise bibliography for theses and articles with Cite While You Write. 
  12. Write articles with EndNote: Referencing, making a reference list, adjusting texts to different journal formats, and using templates. 
  13. Share your references and library in your joint studies. 
    • Study with a reference library up to a hundred people regardless of their location or institution. 
    • Follow the changes made through the active log records regarding your shared library simultaneously.
  14. Make your optimal journal choices with EndNote Online Match, and speed up the publishing process.
  15. Write your theses and articles easily without making any mistake through EndNote style changes. 

Note: Your corporate mail address and the password are required to access the installation files. To use the online version, you must install the programme, create an account and complete the synchronisation. 

Click for Online Access Address
Click for Access to Installation File (Academic)
Click for Access to Installation File (Student)
Click for EndNote – Instruction Book (Turkish)