Interlibrary Publication Sharing

Interlibrary Publication Sharing

  1. Istanbul Beykent University full-time faculty members may benefit from the interlibrary loan service. They can request up to 3 books from another library for a period of 15 days.
  2. Requests are made by our library through the Interlibrary Cooperation Tracking System. Loan and return transactions are exclusively managed by our library. You can email your requests to using the subject heading “ILL”.
  3. The loan period can be renewed once. The librarian in charge must be informed before the return date.
  4. When there is a delay in the return time, the requests of the faculty members will not be processed.
  5. The user who is late in returning the loaned book for more than 7 days will not be allowed to loan books for 1 year.
  6. Faculty members who request publications from other libraries are obliged to cover the shipping costs. Shipping fees may vary according to the contracted companies of the universities.
  7. Materials other than journals, reference sources, theses and, books are not requested.